Contact us
Feel free to contact us on Facebook or call us if you have questions or feedback.
If you have questions about the collection system or if you need a larger waste bin, please contact your municipality.
Questions about recycling stations, opening hours, and prices can be sent to IVAR IKS on Facebook.
The telephone number for IVAR recycling stations is 52 97 95 00. The phone is open from 08:00 to 15:00, Monday to Friday.
Other inquiries
For general inquiries call 51 90 85 00 or send us a message on Facebook. We will get back to you as soon as we can.
The emergency phone number during the evening is 975 07 200.
Other inquiries:
Forus recycling station and Bruktbuå reuse store: Forusbeen 200, 4313 Sandnes.
Sele recycling station: Kleppvegen 849, 4354 Voll.
Our headquarter at Mariero: Breiflåtveien 16/18, 4017 Stavanger.
Organization ID no: 871 035 032.